Monday, September 6, 2010

Waking up (almost) in time for morning

A beautiful day in the neighborhood. Busy week with art and creativity. I finished a commission and have been working on two other pieces also. One of the pieces is coloring in a design I did in the 1970's. I printed it on glossy paper and am using Sharpie markers, gel pens and other like media and it is looking good. The colors on the glossy paper are rich and vibrant, like candy to my eye. I've done many drawings in this media and I love the way they look. Here's a couple photos of the one I'm refering to, MYNDLSPYLL, as it has progressed. Sorry about my name on each, but in this day and age it's a good idea...

And a close up view of the lower right section after I filled in some more...

Fun stuff!
So that's what I'm using this blog for, while my (neglected) writings are on my other blog. I've been into visual art lately and my writing suffers for it, but I will return to it eventually. I do have several stories to get down on (electromatic digitalized memory filed, non-physical, pseudo-reality, screen viewed virtual) paper, so be patient. If you are in a hurry, then put it aside, bide your time, let it ride, lay it away, postpone or otherwise defer (passive) action until you have the time for patience, then proceed. Or maybe you are thinking that it may be a good thing I'm not writing more at this time. How about more visuals?

This is a photo of a group of square pieces of paper on which I drew either a cross or two curves, the ends of which are located in the center of the edge of the squares. By placing them side by side a continuity is achieved so that the lines can be followed from one square to the next. This grouping is a closed loop of one continous 'path' of linework. I made it a closed loop by drawing just one turning line curve on a group of squares and used those at the edges to loop the trail back into the main body. The weird coloration and uneven lighting is a result of my attempting to color correct and brighten the old, dark photograph which I found in one of my boxes of random photos that I have in my basement. I presume I still have these square sheets of paper, but I wouldn't know where. Probably in another box in the basement. It was fun finding this shot of them, which is about 20 years old. History! Try making a 'Cross or Turn' set of square pieces of paper yourself, just being sure that the lines go to the middle of the square's edges. Make a game out of seeing where the lines go. Enjoy!

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